Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Site Announcement

It’s been awhile since I’ve had the time to sit down and write a blog. I have to go to the cyber café and pay to get on the internet so after a long week of classes, it’s the last thing I really feel like doing. I have a lot to update on though so I finally kicked myself in the ass and got to updating this blog thingy of mine. But I don't think I'll be able to load pictures for quite sometime just due to lack of technology.

I’m really into the flow of things here. Everything is basically a routine. I get up, take my bucket bath, go to language for 4 hours, then classes for the rest of the day on health, or I meet with my project partner. I have partnered with a theater and drama youth group that does plays in secondary schools about the importance of abstinence (they call it to “chill”), and HIV/AIDs awareness. It’s defiantly different to say the least to work with people here. Dance and theater is conducted very different than I am use to and at times it can be frustrating to try to explain things to one another. But all in all, it’s really nice to work with people around my age on an issue that I am so passionate about.

Our last few weeks we have been doing a lot of nutrition training as well. I was able to go to a nearby village called Rombos where we hiked through the farmland and picked food straight from the crop. It was so beautiful and really awesome to be eating something that was completely organic. Everything I eat here is so fresh, I don’t think I’ll ever use a freezer again when I get back to America. Even the milk I drink is delivered by a milkman every night! I mean it’s no Fat Free, but at least I’m getting my calcium intake haha!

My biggest announcement is that I have been assigned my site. In about 6 weeks I’ll leave Loitokitok for a village called Matayos near the town of Busia. It is in the Western providence right on the boarder with Uganda. From what I know so far I will be living on a hospital compound working mainly in the malaria sector. I don’t have much experience about Malaria except that I take medication everyday that makes me have crazy dreams haha! But I will learn and I’m excited to do a lot of secondary projects. I’m hoping that I can get involved in girls sports, especially soccer. Anyway, I encourage you to all look it up on a map and think of me ha!

This last weekend was 4th of July and all of the volunteers got together and had a retreat just a walk out of the main village here. It was good to go somewhere and be able to wear tank tops and not be thought of as a prostitute haha! We drank beer and had a bond fire too! I brought pop-its from America and we all threw them around which was fun. It was a pretty crazy party since most of us don’t drink whatsoever here and finally had some of our first African beers. Plus the elevation really got us drunk fast too! I’ll be recovering all week.

Anyway, that’s about it! I miss you all so much and think of you often! Thank you to all of those who have emailed me, it really means a lot. To those of you who haven’t responded to my email…what the f**k?! Don’t you know I’m in Africa, yo?! Haha! Hope all is well back home and looking forward to more updates from the states!

1 comment:

  1. And I google mapped Loitokitok - it is right next to Mt Kilimanjaro national park - are you gonna climb Mt Kilimanjaro???!!! Heck yeah! I want to hear more about this African beer - corn based? I'm sure anything tastes delicious after a long day of medical/cultural training! I'm busy getting ready for my trip and I'll be emailing you soon!!! Love to you! Proud of you!
