I'll start this blog out by sharing the email I sent to my closest family and friends when I made my decision to join the Peace Corps.
Dear Friends and Family,
As most of you know, I have been wavering on where I am going with my life in the next couple of years. In April of 2009 I applied for the Peace Corps, but because of a medical issue I was placed on hold for a year and had to move on with my life for the time being. Since that time I have established a great life for myself here in San Francisco. Not only do I have a successful job in a law firm, I have been accepted to two law schools for the fall semester both offering substantial scholarships. I have an amazing apartment in the Marina district, close enough to my cousin Rose and her baby Annemarie that I get to see them all the time. I literally saw Annemarie born and have watched her grow and been a big part of her life for the last 17 months. I've reconnected with my high school friends and made many more new ones. In short, SF life has been a huge blessing for me and for the first time in my life I feel like I've found somewhere I can truly call home....my very own home.
But, with that said, I have some information to share with you all. A few weeks ago I received a telephone call from the Peace Corps informing me that they were going to be formally inviting me to serve as a volunteer. This brought many mixed emotions to me. I had thought and accepted that Peace Corps was maybe just not in the stars for me. As stated above, I've come to greatly enjoy my life in San Francisco and have been admitted to law school as well, something that I undoubtedly know I want to do. This has been an anxious time for me flocking between going to law school and starting my career or following my dream into the Peace Corps...both amazing choices I might add.
However, when I received my official invitation kit, I knew what I had to do. My heart is telling me I need to do the Peace Corps. When I evaluate all of the reasons I originally applied, there is no doubt in my mind that I am the type of person that will thrive in a program like this one. With 100% of my heart I believe in the core values of the organization; helping others, facilitating cross-cultural relationships and challenging yourself to grow in ways never before possible. I will be leaving for Kenya May 30, 2011 to work as a HIV/Aids Health Educator and couldn't be more excited. I will spend 3 months training in Loitokitok, a small city in southeast Kenya and then the next 24 months of my life living in a village and working with the locals to improve and educate community.
At this time, I cannot stress enough how much all of your support means to me. I live and breath my family and friends and I KNOW that my greatest obstacle will be being away from you all for 27 months. It would help me if you could all send me emails and write me as much as possible to let me know that your still thinking of me while I'm on the other side of the world. That's just something that I personally will NEED.
This has been the biggest decision I've ever had to make and I can finally rest knowing that I am confident in my choice. I'll be happy to answer any questions or concerns that anyone might have. And finally, I would like to plan a going away party for Friday, May 27th for those of you that can make it. Details are to come, but for now please save the date.
amani upendo heshima (peace. love. respect.),

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