Thursday, March 7, 2013

No News Is Good News

Not much has been happening with the Kenyan election. They voted on the 4th and  have had a lot of problems with the system so people are just waiting for ballots to be counted. Some people had to wait in line for 6 hours to vote. I could never see an American doing that! There have been reports of some violence on the coast, but where they have us, it feels so far away. So that’s all the news for now, otherwise just wanted to let all my loved ones back home know not to worry about  me because….

I’ve been laying by the pool, playing football, teaching hip hop classes, enjoying electricity, hot showers, getting fat off good food and hanging out with my awesome Peace Corps friends. Life is very relaxing right now and I have no complaints. Besides my prayers that Kenya remains peaceful once we find out the results of the election, I have no problems.

Consolidation has been especially nice because of the really cool people I get to hang out with! Especially the ones that were in my training class. We are all almost done and have been here since the beginning together and we feel wise and bonded. We are now the oldest group in Kenya and it feels good to just sorta know how everything finally works. Going into Peace Corps I was like “two years?!, that’s so long!”, but now I understand why they make it two years. It takes that long to not only integrate into your communities and generate sustainable projects, but most importantly formulate friendships that will be life long. It is going to be bitter sweet when I have to leave this country. I’ll miss my community probably the most, but I will also miss getting to see these amazing PCVs on a fairly regular basis. The fun thing though is that when I go back to America, now I’ll know people from all over the country! Before I didn’t really know many people out of the west coast.

Anyway, things are obviously good on this end. I have pretty good internet so send me some emails or facebook me and let me know what’s going on in your life! I’d love some updates from home!

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