Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tips for Never Getting Bored in a Rural African Village

-Exercise: whether it’s running, dance or yoga, stay active. It increases endorphins and keeps you from getting fat on all that village food they shove down your throat. Don’t be afraid to have a dance party by yourself…I do it all the time!
-Find a craft: I like making jewelry at site when I have down time. If I was a better artist I would probably try to draw or paint. My friend Henry just built a boat! Anything to keep your mind and hands busy.
-Keep movies and/or shows on your hard drive at all times: All of us volunteers share our media with each other. I’ve spent a whole day watching Dexter. Now I’m into Breaking Bad and Lost. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that!
-Bring a Kindle and READ READ READ: It’s hard to find the time in America to always read what I want, especially while I was in school. This opportunity has given me the chance to read things I never thought I’d be into. And even though I will always love a fresh new book, having a Kindle with unlimited amounts of books is a plus!
-Take care of your body: After a long day in the village I like to soak my feet, do my nails and maybe even a facemask. It feels good to pamper yourself, even if it’s for no one but you.
-Have a glass of wine or two and drunk call your friends in Peace Corps and/or America: Friends love hearing from you, especially when you’re somewhat tipsy. My friends and I have made this a tradition here in Peace Corps whenever one of us goes out. And I have a few regulars back in America that seem to enjoy my calls as well (Julia! Ha)
-Learn to do the splits: It doesn’t have to be the splits, but you have two years in a small hut. Teach your body to be flexible!
-Write in a journal: I’ve done this since 3rd grade, but writing my thoughts down really helps me stay leveled.
-Listen to music and sing loudly: It doesn’t matter if you’re a good singer or not, village people will think you are no matter what. So sing loudly and proudly to whatever song you love to jam out to. (current personal preference: Glee version of Dancing Queen).
-Make slideshows of your pictures: Most computers have some kind of windows movie maker or whatever the equivalent on a Mac is. Put together a little slideshow of home for yourself. It’s fun to share it with African friends as well!
-Plan for the future: It doesn’t have to be concrete, but thinking about what you are going to do after service can take up some fun internet browsing time (when you have internet). Or making travel plans! It’s always good to have something to look forward to.
-Write letters home: Everyone loves getting mail!
-Take long naps: hey you have all the time in the world in Africa! Take advantage of it!

Don’t be afraid to be bored. Soak it up! Remember all those times running around back home trying to get everything done. Well you have two years to finally relax! Enjoy it! Savor it! I know I do. I’m happy when I get busy here, but then I miss the days I get to sit around and do nothing. Be with your thoughts. People are so afraid to be with themselves back home. Learn about who you are and live every second, even if you aren’t doing anything at all.

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