Tuesday, December 11, 2012

World AIDS Day 2012

World AIDS Day 2012

On December 1, 2012 I traveled to Rongo, where another volunteer, Christina Gusa, had a World AIDS Day event.  It was such a success and we had a great time.  She lives in her health clinic and it’s really nice.  She even has an oven so we were able to have homemade pizza!  During the event, there were speeches from HIV positive community members, skits from the high school kids and a raffle.  They also had free confidential HIV testing in which over 80 people got tested!

After the event, we were so tired so we laid out a blanket in the back yard and just listened to music.  These cute little boys came over and were watching us and eventually joined us in a dance party.  It was adorable!  It’s moments like that that make me feel less different than these people and more the same.  Overall the event was a complete success.  I love these one day events because they are easy to organize, cost very little to fund, and empower the community.

On my way home, I stopped by the soap stone factory.  They make art for World Market and Home Plus.  We got to see how they carved the figurines and of course I couldn’t help but by a “few” as well.  Now I’m home and I have a long busy week ahead of me.  I’m working on a budget for another grant we are applying to.  I also promised one of my students I would go with her to visit her grandmother.  And finally, on Thursday, I leave for Nairobi for the weekend.  I love Nairobi so I’m excited to go live the life of luxury there for the weekend.

Missing everyone back home!


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